Urgent Prayer: Day -12

Thank you so much for praying today! We are updating and asking that you please say some extra prayers tonight. Magnum spiked a fever of 101 with chills this evening. More to come on what this means. Please pray the fever subsides, he is able to get some rest and he won’t be moved to ICU. Please also pray for Tashina, that she will have peace and feel the arms of our Savior wrapped around her and upholding her tonight! Please pray for rest for her as well! Thank you all so much!

5 thoughts on “Urgent Prayer: Day -12”

  1. We are praying right now on our knees pleading with the Lord for Mighty Magnums fever to lower quickly all to the glory of God and give mama rest in body and soul to run this race you have set before her.
    Hold them tight Lord let them feel your presence❤️
    Mark and Marian

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